💡 Think:
Ask a loved-one to pass you an orange. A simple enough task. Do they deliver the delicious fruit? If they do, how do they deliver it? With the peel firmly intact? Or the outer layer removed, so that it's ready to enjoy?
This is the Orange Peel Test. If the fruit is delivered sans peel, per a now viral meme, you know your partner is a keeper.
The sagacity of basing the complexities of a relationship on peeling a citrus fruit is fraught… But there is one case where the orange peel test is not only an important test: It’s the reason raison d'être.
G-dliness is at the core of every facet of this world - a vivifying spark that binds all existence together with its Creator. Everything from you and me to the dance of a leaf as it falls from the tree to the earth, is an expression of profound Oneness.
But that Divine energy is not seen in this world. Instead, our experience is mediated by the dross physicality of the mundane world.
What we see is the peel.
G-d put us in this world have relationship with Him: To peel back the layers of our soul, and of the world - to reveal the sweet fruit that lies within.
🏃 DO:
🤖 Join us next week, Friday, February 2nd, for First Friday February! It’s also Mendel Lightstone’s 12th Birthday!
Curated Conversation & Shabbat meal: Can Robots Be Jewish?
🍷 SXSW and #openShabbat are here!
Join us for #openShabbat, the first Friday of SXSW and take part in the premiere experience for Jews in tech and digital media at SXSW!
🚪 Get your own Mezuzah!
We’re all in on bringing a kosher mezuzah to every Jew. Get yours in our beautiful Tech Tribe #MezuzahMe kit.
🎧 Listen:
A song from Vitebsk - a deeply powerful Chabad Chasidic Niggun.
🕯️ Comfort:
Blessings of comfort to Tech Tribe friend Robbert Baruch and his family on the passing of his daughter Rivka.
May her memory be a blessing and her family comforted.
🎉 Mazels:
Mazel to to Tech Tribe friends Rosie Gray and Ben Judah on the birth of a baby boy!
📈 Invest:
Invest in Tech Tribe, join the #ChaiSociety!
Do you have a startup, announcement or message you’d like to share? Get your message seen by hundreds of people in tech and digital media!
📚 Read:
🌳 Nine Ways to Be Like a Tree
🎭 Faith and Art in Communist Russia
🔥 Lit:
This week, light Shabbat candles in NYC at 4:48 PM
For Shabbat candle-lighting time in your area, click here.
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